Some brief considerations about

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Rob Freeman 4/11 às 13:01 -- Showing the 5 parts of the dual spotting system

here are photos showing the 5 parts of the dual spotting system. I had a machine shop build the 2 separate brackets which they attached permanently to the centre tube of the binoculars, one on top, one on bottom. 
Then they attached a camera "tripod" plate to the top of the top bracket, and I attached the other part of the tripod bracket to my camera. The 2nd bracket they built, for the bottom of the binoculars is permanently attached to the slider plate which fits onto my tripod. 
The fellow at the shop also calibrated my camera with the binoculars so that whatever is seen in the middle of the binoculars is seen in the middle of the camera viewing screen at full 83x optical zoom. 
Typically, I, or a member of our group looks around first & finds objects with 15x binoculars (bigger field of view), then I zero in on them with this system and get photos & video. Or, in conjunction with the group, I can also just look around with this dual system at the same time, scanning the sky. Then we see who is the first one to spot something! View all the attached photos to see all the different parts.
Parts list:
1. Binoculars
2. Camera and top part of small camera mount plate. (Manfrotto)
3. Tripod
4. Top bracket permanently attached to binoculars, with bottom part of small camera mount plate (Manfrotto) permanently attached to it.
5. Bottom bracket permanently attached to binoculars, with slider style tripod plate permanently attached.

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Solidaevidencia Archivos Thanks Rob! This info is useful thanksss 
Emoji smile
Efrain Iniguez
 Great job and excellent info.
Efrain Iniguez
 Me gusta como estas haciendo las cosas creo que este es el modo ideal para a la hora de un avistamiento no perderse ni el más mínimo detalle de lo que estamos observando y a la vez observarlo de diferente perspectiva.
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Rob Freeman Gracias Efrain, este estudio de las anomalías es tan interesante y fascinante.
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John Graf Well someones getting serious here:) Awesome Rob.

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